HESD Community: Please read this week's issue of the "Hueneme Channel." https://www.hueneme.org/page/hueneme-channel
over 2 years ago, Hueneme ESD
HESD Community: Please read this week's issue of the "Hueneme Channel." https://www.hueneme.org/page/hueneme-channel
over 2 years ago, Hueneme ESD
Recuerden que este lunes comenzaremos el nuevo horario para nuestros alumnos de kinder. Será de 8:00 a 1:30 pm. Favor de recordarles a sus familiares y niñeras.. Remember that this Monday we will begin the new schedule for kinder students, 8:00-1:30 pm. Please remind your family and babysitters.
over 2 years ago, Haycox Viking
Dear Parents, it's Panorama survey time for our students again. Please see the letter in the link below. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1chxpJmh2uzrcIieWJU6FhvjVnnv2EaBjkI8AtfexC5w/edit?usp=sharing Estimados padres, llegó el momento de la encuesta de Panorama para nuestros estudiantes nuevamente. Lea la carta en el enlace a continuación. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1txFET6DA9qXCbfMhZWUSfFtsi7oRJXTsx1h7O_5t1nw/edit?usp=sharing
over 2 years ago, Haycox Viking
HESD Community: Please read this week's issue of the "Hueneme Channel." https://www.hueneme.org/page/hueneme-channel
over 2 years ago, Hueneme ESD
Este lunes comenzaremos el nuevo horario para nuestros alumnos de kinder. Será de 8:00 a 1:30 pm. Favor de recordarles a sus familiares y niñeras..
over 2 years ago, Evelyn Jimenez
Beginning this Monday 9/27/2021 , instead of parents coming on to the campus, teachers will walk the students to the gate near the kinder parking lot. There will be signs posted with the name of each teacher, the grade level and the room number. Teacher will be standing near their class sign; please look for your child near the sign so that your child can be released. Your children brought home two colored cards with the information you will look for when you come to pick up your child. Grade 1 signs are red, grade 2 signs are blue and grade 3 signs are green. If your child is picked up by the babysitter, please give one to her so that she knows where to look for your child. Remember that grades 1 and 2 dismiss at 2:35 and grade 3 dismisses at 2:45. Parents Of 3rd grade students should stay back toward the sidewalk so that there is more space for parents in lower grades.
over 2 years ago, Evelyn Jimenez
We tested our emergency notification system, where we will send out important updates and reminders. Please consider saving 98900 to your contacts. If you did not receive a text message from our system, please contact the school to confirm your cell number is up-to-date.
over 2 years ago, Hueneme Elementary School District
Haycox Vikings, if your student is in need of a WIFI-HOTSPOT please inform your child's teacher or call 805-488-3578 from 1:30pm-4:00pm to start the process. After you have registered, a WIFI-HOTSPOT will be provided to your student for home use. Thank you
over 2 years ago, Evelyn Jimenez
Beginning this Monday, September 20, there will be a change for our dismissal routine. Grades 4 and 5 will be dismissed from the front doors of the school at 2:45. We will continue to dismiss grades 1,2 at 2:35 and grade 3 at 2:45 from the kindergarten parking area.
over 2 years ago, Evelyn Jimenez
Our Haycox AVID Team is ready! for a great year!
over 2 years ago, Evelyn Jimenez
Haycox AVID Team 2021-2022
Haycox Vikings, Click here for important message on benefits for internet https://www.fcc.gov/bandaanchaprestacion Emergency Broadband Benefit
over 2 years ago, Evelyn Jimenez
Haycox Vikings, this is a reminder that there will be no school on Monday September 6 in honor of the Labor Day Holiday.
over 2 years ago, Evelyn Jimenez
Dear Haycox Family, Please take a look at our newsletter! It has updated information about our reopening! Looking forward to seeing you! https://www.smore.com/t905y
almost 3 years ago, Julianne Pena
We will welcome all our Vikings for our First day of school on August 26, 2021. Le daremos la bienvenida a todos nuestros Vikingos el primer dia de clases, el 26 de agosto, 2021.
almost 3 years ago, Evelyn Jimenez
Un mensaje importante de la Sra. Peña sobre la última semana de clases. An important messages from Mrs. Pena about the last week of school. https://watch.screencastify.com/v/kyWl62uDPEccDwy8rZAO
almost 3 years ago, Art Haycox Elementary
¡Abra esta in vitación para la ceremonia de despedida de quinto grado! Open this invitation for the fifth grade farewell ceremony! https://drive.google.com/file/d/1b6dJq8S0bUtxDhwt4JOC2R3hxd4qczg_/view?usp=sharing
almost 3 years ago, Art Haycox Elementary
2021/2022 HUENEME AT HOME SURVEY HESD is in the process of designing the Hueneme at Home Digital Learning Academy for the 2021-22 school year. We are seeking preliminary parent interest for program participation and input for the type of program we will offer. The program's design will be determined by the number of families interested in the program and influenced by parent and staff feedback. The program may look different at different grade levels, depending on interest. If you think you may be interested in your student(s) participating in the Hueneme at Home Digital Learning Academy during the 2021-22 school year, please complete this form. Once we have determined preliminary interest, we will work on the program design. A second interest survey with program details will be sent later this spring. Thank you, https://forms.gle/cpJKRyJsEU7AxZvr6
about 3 years ago, Evelyn Jimenez
ENCUESTA HUENEME AT HOME 2021/2022 HESD está en el proceso de diseñar la Academia de Aprendizaje Digital Hueneme at Home para el año escolar 2021-22. Estamos buscando un interés preliminar de los padres por la participación en el programa y aportes para el tipo de programa que ofreceremos. El diseño del programa estará determinado por el número de familias interesadas en el programa y estará influenciado por los comentarios de los padres y el personal. El programa puede verse diferente en diferentes niveles de grado, según el interés. Si cree que puede estar interesado en que sus estudiantes participen en la Academia de aprendizaje digital Hueneme at Home durante el año escolar 2021-22, complete este formulario. Una vez que hayamos determinado el interés preliminar, trabajaremos en el diseño del programa. Una segunda encuesta de interés con detalles del programa se enviará a finales de esta primavera. Gracias, https://forms.gle/cpJKRyJsEU7AxZvr6
about 3 years ago, Evelyn Jimenez
Mascarillas requeridas para venir a la escuela. Vea detalles específicos en este enlace. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ITXeekSA2aNj1Ks31RrSflBAuArZ_orE/view?usp=sharing Masks are required to attend school. Click on this link to see details..
about 3 years ago, Evelyn Jimenez